Friday, December 9, 2011

How long is a king crab fishing season?

"Fishing season The most popular crab-fishing months occur between October and January. The allocated time for a season continued to shrink鈥攁t one point a red crab season was only four days long. After 2005, each boat was given a quota based on their catch from previous years and how many crabs are available to catch. The fleet went from 251 boats down to 89. Currently the seasons last from two to four weeks.[2][5]"

This content was the result of google for the king crab season in Alaska

Edit: how in the hell can anyone in their right mind thumbs down a perfectly honest answer to the question?

Yahoo is making a big mistake by not either posting the identity of this person or persons,. or getting rid of this stupid feature.|||Between October to January...however the king crab fishing season currently lasts from two to four weeks only.

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